Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hoodiatrol: What if you could make your brain believe that you are full? Want to drop 10 pounds fast? Imagine the weight you could lose if you could just reduce your appetite and eat less!Hoodia is an cactus that grows deep inside the South America thriving in extremely high temperatures. The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world's oldest and most primitive tribes, have been eating the Hoodia plant for thousands of years, to stave off hunger during long hunting trips. When South African scientists were routinely testing it, they discovered the plant contained a previously unknown molecule, which has since been christened P57. This molecule fools your brain into believing you are full, making it much easier to lose excess weight and body fat. Foundation Nutriceutical's Hoodiatrol has no known side-effects, it is stimulant free, will not give you the shakes, make your heart race or raise your body temperature.Glucomannon: is an all-natural, dietary source of 100% fiber obtained from the root of the Konjac plant in Asia. And Glucomannan contains zero calories. It's an excellent addition to a sensible weight loss program. Additionally, this herb has been shown to help reduce cholesterol, relieve constipation, and regulate blood sugar in several clinical studies.Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is derived from the Konjac root. Konjac is a perennial plant unique to Asia, and cultivated in Japan. The fresh Konjac tuber contains an average of 13% dry matter, of which 70% is Glucomannan, and the remaining 30% is starch. Glucomannan is a polysaccharide consisting of repeating units of beta-D-glucose and beta-D-mannose joined together in a chain by 1,4 linkages.Historically, Glucomannan has been used in traditional Asian foods such as noodles, tofu, and other food products. Konjac flour (made from the tubers) has been a healthy Japanese jelly called "konyaku" for over two centuries. By expanding in the stomach, Glucomannan can be useful for people tr

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