Tuesday, February 19, 2008


April Now Brilliant Later! A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Jose Leveriza

Josie Cruz Natori made waves when she married rich and started the Natori line

Know what else, she looks exotic

Loida Nicholas Lewis sat in the power circles of New York when she married

the Beatrice fortune

Know what else, she looked positively gorgeous

After the hiatus, another promising star is poised in the horizon

She married this restless fortune hunter from Paduca, Kentucky

He is a volcano of talent that goes off in every direction

He needs a beautiful woman to keep him grounded and throbbing efficient

Well he met his match in a ravishing young ambassadress of culture

Who danced for the fatherland without concern for remuneration

She danced before sheiks, maharajahs, emirs, kings, and princes

And yet she chose this techie upstart with a million dollar chip on his shoulder

The good thing is she continues to serve her country like always

She has hooked him permanently to keep his investments in our country

She's a heroine by my book and my gist for tales of women of glory

She serves husband, family, friends, and the rest of her country

Happy birthday Ms. April it's still too far to see far ahead, you see

The pinnacle of success you will find at your feet to finish your story.

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