Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Mrs. April Belcher

Jose Leveriza 21Feb08

Dancing to share a country’s culture with the world is a heroic task indeed
To be so young and roam as ambassador of goodwill shows a different breed
April swayed and pirouetted with grace to win hearts for her country and people
Her beauty glistened like sparkling prisms that crossed oceans to create a ripple

The plum is a treasure worthy of only the best and the brightest aspirations
Her family gave their wholehearted support to April and her lofty ambitions
She was destined to be the most likely to achieve success and great heights
Her kind heart, gracefulness, and beauty matched exactly her inborn smarts

The coming together with a dynamo of techno talents from Paduca, Kentucky
Is written in the heavens and the annals of love so the whole world can see
The flower of the Pearl of the Orient that it shared in dance with many lands
Comes as a perfect fit to be molded and nurtured with his ever loving hands

Dancing is giving like an offering of oneself to a world that waits in bated awe
For your whole self to unravel with the message you unfurl unguarded and raw
What makes you tick as a daughter, sister, friend, lover with your whole being
Goodness, dedication, faithfulness, tenderness, compassion endlessly unreeling

Behind every great man and behind every great fortune is the spirit of love so pristine
It peters like untouched earth in forest primevals in yore lands of damsels and goddesses
An unquenchable mind and an unstoppable achiever which the Bible belt has never seen
Gets his foundations anchored to a home kept warm by the loving beauty of his dreams

Happy Birthday Mrs. April Belcher. We hope for you the happiest of all!

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